Monday, December 27, 2010
Lets do this! MuScLe MeMoRy!!! I'll be back BIGGER, better and badder than I was! InshAllah ameen...
A few pointers thou?! Remember diet is 80% of training?! Yes! Here is the lowdown to get you started.
1. Lift big to get big:
3 sets per exercise - approx 3 excercises per body part.
2 mins rest per lift.
Max 45 mins in the gym. (Quality not quantity)
2. The routine:
Monday = Legs
Tues = Chest and Biceps
Wed = Rest
Thurs = Back
Friday = Shoulders and Triceps
3. Diet regime:
7am - Porrige & Protein Shake
10am - Oatcakes, 1 pint Milk & Banana
1pm - Pasta & Chicken
3pm - Oatcakes & Apple
6pm - Rice & Chicken
7.30pm - post workout protein shake
8pm - Egg Fried Rice & Chicken
Allahu Akbar!